Three Steps and a Hop: A Foodborne Outbreak Case Study (Online)

Three Steps and a Hop: A Foodborne Outbreak Case Study (Online)

The final course in the Epidemiology Tier 1 Core Curriculum is a case study based on an actual outbreak investigation undertaken in El Paso County, CO in 2011. Apply the lessons learned in the pervious trainings to a real life outbreak example.

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Course Learning Objectives
After completing this case study, students should be able to:

  • Explain what constitutes a foodborne illness outbreak.
  • Describe the steps in a foodborne illness outbreak investigation.
  • List different outbreak investigation team members and their roles and responsibilities.
  • Establish and apply an outbreak case definition.
  • Describe outbreak-associated cases by time, person, and place.
  • Create and interpret an epidemic curve.
  • Describe the types of epidemiological studies used during an outbreak investigation.
  • Calculate and interpret measures of association.
  • Describe the purpose of conducting an environmental assessment.
  • Define and give examples of contributing factors.
  • Explain how to summarize and share outbreak investigation findings.

Once you have completed this course you have met fulfilled all the epidemiology tier 1 core competencies.