Core Curriculum
Food Safety CoE Core Curriculum
The Food Safety CoE Core Curriculum is a self-paced learning pathway, which serves as one of several educational resources available to public health professionals in foodborne illness investigation.
The asynchronous Core Curriculum track focuses on Tier 1 and Tier 2 competencies for foodborne illness outbreak detection, investigation, and response for public health professionals in the epidemiology role, environmental health role, and outbreak teams.
- Tier 1 = Entry-level public health professionals new to outbreak investigations.
- Tier 2 = Public health professionals who routinely detect and investigate foodborne outbreaks.
This Core Curriculum enables public health professionals to identify and access role- and tier-specific foundational training developed by the Food Safety CoEs and other partners.
This curriculum is meant to offer an accessible and flexible training model for the public health workforce.
Choose your tier > Choose your discipline > Complete all courses
See descriptions of the competency categories and tiers below.
Tier 1 Curriculum
Environmental Health
Outbreak Team Member
Tier 2 Curriculum
Environmental Health
Tier 3 Curriculum
If you are interested in completing Tier 3 of the core curriculum, please contact us.